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Jan 20, 2020

"What's Brewing Today?"

Thank You, Garris, for opening the show!

#YoAunTeas sending dirty pics. Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Australian Open Begins. It was a good day for AunTea Dawon at work and his #OOTD. AunTea Jerrell's Spirit Human is LaDarius from the Netflix Documentary "Cheer". Bad Girls Club and I Love NY. RuPaul stars in #AJandTheQueen and the upcoming #CelebrityDragRace but is AunTea Dawon still on the Drag Race Train? Which ATL Housewives would #YoAunTeas be? The #AYA #AskYoAunTeas question asks if people should date for experience or marriage. What is your favorite #EnVogue song? The Democratic Debate has #YoAunTeas determining who they'd vote for. #OscarsSoWhiteMale. Insecure Season 4 is coming soon and AunTea Kerel says #HeyyyPatrick to Serena's coach.

"So, Get Your Cups Ready For MinoriTea Report!"

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Time Stamps:

0:55- Dirty Pics

7:59- MLKJr. Day

13:49- Australian Open

14:55- Dawon's Good Day

18:52- Cheer

20:59- Bad Girls Club/I Love NY

26:00- RuPaul

27:36- ATL Housewives

36:13- Celebrity Drag Race

38:40- AskYoAunTeas

56:55- Friendships

59:10- Weave Tracks

1:00:42- EnVogue

1:02:48- Dem Debate

1:27:40- Oscars

1:29:52- Insecure S4

1:30:36- Hey, Patrick